Montag, 11. August 2008

Burdastyle's JJ Blouse

Burdastyle's JJ Blouse out of white (blue) polkadotted fabric.
I made it without the ruffles but with a peter-pan collar <3

Samstag, 17. Mai 2008

Luna Lovegood radish earrings

cassette shoulder bag 12x2o cm

waistcoat-vest--tailcoat thingy

reconstructed out of a old long jeans skirt
the back is loger than the front
the buttons are made of fimo^^
the first pic is funny xD

btw I looove the blouse I wear

freestyle knitted cardigan

Freestyle knitted cardigan

I can't post pictures in craftster, that's why I'm going to post them here and hotlink them.
The first item is a blue dress I made before easter.
It isn't as broad as it looks in the picture.

Mittwoch, 9. April 2008

long long ago...

...was my last post!
lots of things happend inbetween:
-school report (1,8 average, the best in my class :-))
-enrolments for secondary II (confirmations from both schools)
-rehearsal week for school musical
-musical performance (really successful, I think...)
and lots of other things... the ones above are just a few of officiel importance...
yeah, we had even vacation without writing in here...
shall I think about that?
anyway, I'm supposed to think about why I use 3 fullstops at the end of almost every sentence...

Samstag, 5. Januar 2008

Tulip Skirt

I finished my tulip skirt yesterday (my grandma tried to teach me how to sew) and now I really hate undo stitches. Sometimes it't realy unnecassary but my grandma told me so...
It looks like this in black (that's the cut; out of a Burda magazine). Mine is a bit longer (down to the knees) but I'll try to shorten it (hopefully my grandma don't recognise, maybe she will find that I'm grown again...). While flickr through some other Burda magazines I fell in love with a dress.... Istarted searching for a dress for the ball at the end of the school year. I don't know if it's supposed to be 'Prom' like and how overdressed we're expected to appear (how long, pompous and impressing the dresses shall be, or more the short-black ones, if we should dance in them and if, how? formal or modern?) I'll try to adapt my outfit to the other ones but I have to be quick if I want to make it on my own. And have to persuade my grandma to help me/to sew it for me/to accept my decision.

Dienstag, 1. Januar 2008

I'm sorry, it's in German: A paint trutorial for jumpstyles. I should better practise before the next party...